Did Jesus Survive The Crucifiction?
Given that Jesus only spent a few short hours on the cross, and it was not
unknown for people to survive being crucified after spending as much as 5
days on the cross, is it not a possibility that Jesus too survived his
crucifiction experience and went on to live for many more years.
After all Pontious Pilate did not want to crucify him so the Romans may
have been keen to release him after a few hours of torment. He had already
been made to suffer terribly from being scourged.
This would explain in a far more plausible way how he 'rose from the dead'
and there were contemporary reports from objective witnesses that he left
Jerusalem to go and live in the far east.
Best Answer - Chosen by most voters
Jesus diddn't survive the crucifiction, but he did come back to life after
he died.
Source(s): The Bible
elaine30... says:
No Jesus died on that cross of Calvary for your sin,s and mine and don,t
ever forget it,he gave us a way to eternal
life that we didn't have,so give him the credit due.
NO- He died on the Cross, and was buried in a tomb- HE ROSE FROM THE DEAD-
it was a miracle, it was an act of sacrificial love that placed Jesus on
the cross, and victory over death through His resurrection. Why is it so
hard to comprehend that God did this? Maybe because if some people would
believe it that would have to accept the fact they need a Savior. I did,
and I am so thankful I did- I serve a risen Savior!!
"So the soldiers came, and broke the legs of the first man and of the
other who was crucified with Him; but coming to Jesus, when they saw that
He was already dead, they did not break His legs." (John 19:32-33)
From what I've heard recently the story of Christ dying on the cross
and then being ressurected is an untrue version of events. A Christian
person I know who is a friend of a close friend recently told me the
story goes something like this:
We all know the story about how Christ was nailed to the cross, and
no, he couldn't have died of bleeding because there are minimal to no
blood vessels in the middle of the palms to create enough blood loss
to kill a person. Generally after a criminal was crucified to the
cross their legs were broken by the Roman soldiers. Why did the Romans
break the legs of the victims, you ask? Death by crucifixion occurred
through 'exhaustion asphyxia' as it is called - the victim suffocated.
The position of the body on the cross leaves the chest muscles used
for breathing in a permanent inhalation position. So to exhale, the
victim would have to actively push his body up against the nails
holding his feet to the cross. By breaking the victims legs, the only
way he could breathe was by using his arm and shoulder muscles to pull
against the nails in his hands to lift his body. This maneuver was
extremely painful and tiring, so that the victim died relatively
quickly out of exhaustion and eventually suffocating. Also, all the
blood rushes to the upper-body in such a position since the arms are
what support the person being crucified, so that whole experience
draws blood away from other regions of the body as well.
Now, after Jesus was pinned to the cross, the Roman soldiers gambled
below him to decide who would get pieces of his clothing. Eventually
they broke the legs of the other two criminals who were also crucified
along with Jesus, and at the same time an Earthquake was said to
occur. Noticing Jesus was not breathing (though he was, just his
breath was so shallow since he was unconscious that they assumed he
was already dead), the soldiers didn't bother breaking his legs and
got him down from the cross. To make sure he was dead, though, they
stabbed him in the side, he was known to have bled and blood spurted
out of his side (which shouldn't have happened since if he had been
crucified long enough to have died, his blood wouldn't be 'spurting'.
Anyway, he was alive, but the soldiers were too dumb to realise, they
actually bandaged him up and then put him in the cave, where he woke
up (since he was unconscious) later and walked out, in pain obviously,
but alive - and hence we have the 'ressurection' of Christ.
It is also rumoured that he then actually did have children later and
spent his last days on Cyprus or something.
Jesus had a very rich friend, Joseph of Arimathea, who prepared a burial
chamber THAT WAS NOT OCCUPIED. Jews wouldn't want to be buried with a
Jesus' blood flowed; therefore, his heart was still pumping
Add that Jewish law required that the crucified men had to be removed from
the cross before the Jewish Sabbath commenced, dead or alive.
Birth Name James Francis Cameron
Nickname Iron Jim
The Lost Tomb of Jesus (2007) (TV) (executive producer)
Writer: Terminator 3: Redemption (2004)
"Dark Angel" (42 episodes, 2000-2002)
Titanic (1997)
True Lies (1994) (screenplay)
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
The Abyss (1989)
Aliens (1986)
Plot Outline:
The Lost Tomb of Jesus is a documentary which makes a case that the
2,000-year-old "Tomb of the Ten Ossuaries" belonged to the family of Jesus
of Nazareth.
Simcha Jacobovici, the reporter of 'The Naked Archaeologist' fame, has
produced an excellent documentary here.
Mr. Cameron, along with journalist Simcha Jacobovici, say they have
uncovered the burial cave of Jesus and his family — along with enough DNA
evidence to establish, they say, that Jesus wasn't resurrected and that
Jesus sired a son with Mary Magdelene.
The story starts 27 years ago when Israeli construction workers in the
Jerusalem suburb of Talpiyot unearthed a 2,000-year-old cave holding 10
The Genealogy of the famous family tree (DNA Legacy). The Family Tree of
JESUS the Messiah, 7 BC - AD 73 & MARY MAGDALENE, AD 3 - Genealogy of the
holy family (DNA Legacy); Holy Blood. Holy Grail. Rennes-le-Chateau and
Berenger Sauniere The Cathars and the Great Heresy
The Albigensian Crusade The Siege of Montsegur The Cathar Treasure
Knights Templar Louis VII and the Prieure de Sion The "Cutting of the Elm"
at Gisors
Ormus The Prieure at Orleans The "Head" of the Templars The Grand Masters
of the Templars The Grand Masters and the Underground Stream Rene d'Anjou
Rene and the Theme of Arcadia The Rosicrucian Manifestos The Stuart
Dynasty Charles Nodier and His Circle Debussy and the Rose-Croix Jean
The Two John XXIIIs The Dukes of Guise and Lorraine The Compagnie du
Saint-Sacrement Chateau Barberie Nicolas Fouquet Nicolas Poussin
Rosslyn Chapel and Shugborough Hall The Pope's Secret Letter The Rock of
Sion The Protocols of Sion The Hieron du Val d'Or Alain Poher
The Lost King Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris The Catholic Traditionalists
The Convent of 1981 and Cocteau's Statutes M. Plantard de Saint-Clair The
Prieure de Sion The Long-haired Monarchs The Merovingians
The Bear from Arcadia The Sicambrians Enter Gaul Merovee and His
Descendants Clovis Dagobert II The Usurpation by the Carolingians
The Exclusion of Dagobert II from History Prince Guillem de Gellone, Comte
de azes Prince Ursus The Grail Family The Exiled Tribe
The Bloodline The Legend of the Holy Grail The Story of Wolfram von
Eschenbach The Lost Kings and the Grail Palestine at the Time of Jesus
The istory of the Gospels The Dynasty of Jesus Barabbas he Crucifixion
The ealots The Gnostic Writings The Grail Dynasty Judaism nd the
Merovingians he Principality in Septimania The Seed of David The lleged
Grand Masters of the Prieure de Sion

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