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Luxembourg 2 c CLICK ON A PICTURE TO VIEW IT BIG !!! n20090703-n20051102_144045.jpg electronic banking timeline april 1983 guichet automatique bancaire 1987 tpv terminal de vente electronic banking timeline april 1983 guichet automatique bancaire 1987 tpv terminal de vente n20090703-n20051102_144105.jpg money room banking strongroom goldbarren Stahlkammer Tresorraum gold ingots 1955 money room banking strongroom goldbarren Stahlkammer Tresorraum gold ingots 1955 n20090703-n20051102_144142.jpg state owned bcee Banque et Caisse d'Epargne de l'Etat Metal cabinet coffre-fort tresor interior view state owned bcee Banque et Caisse d'Epargne de l'Etat Metal cabinet coffre-fort tresor interior view n20090703-n20051102_144148.jpg Theodor Stacke Aachener Geldschrankfabrik since 1872 Aachen tresor safe vault strongbox Theodor Stacke Aachener Geldschrankfabrik since 1872 Aachen tresor safe vault strongbox n20090703-n20051102_144157.jpg geknackter tresor lock cracked concrete vault - fendu - broke open vault deposit locker Resistance grade vi geknackter tresor lock cracked concrete vault - fendu - broke open vault deposit locker Resistance grade vi n20090703-n20051102_144208.jpg press articles on bankrobberies - mp bande bankraub bankueberfall bank robbery tunnel bank long bankare grabitja bankoverval press articles on bankrobberies - mp bande bankraub bankueberfall bank robbery tunnel bank long bankare grabitja bankoverval n20090703-n20051102_144528.jpg Adrema Address labeling machine BCEE used 1950 to 1965 Bradma adressiermaschine Adrema Address labeling machine BCEE used 1950 to 1965 Bradma adressiermaschine n20090703-n20051102_144613.jpg continental rechenmaschine historic mechanical calculator machine comptable 1950s 1960s facit wanderer calculating device continental rechenmaschine historic mechanical calculator machine comptable 1950s 1960s facit wanderer calculating device n20090703-n20051102_144713.jpg humourous big pig banker swine wrong impression of greed but really its a crime to exploit humourous big pig banker swine wrong impression of greed but really its a crime to exploit n20090703-n20051102_144716.jpg bankierschwein - Schwein banker - heuschrecke fraudster betrug ausbeutung und mord in 3. welt - wrd world murder bankierschwein - Schwein banker - heuschrecke fraudster betrug ausbeutung und mord in 3. welt - wrd world murder n20090703-n20051102_144743.jpg sparbuch sparbuecher savings books grabd duche de Luxembourg livret kreissparkasse esch alzig kannerspuerbuch sparbuch sparbuecher savings books grabd duche de Luxembourg livret kreissparkasse esch alzig kannerspuerbuch n20090703-n20051102_144821.jpg Thomas Bayrle messing vergoldet 1988 Sparschwein pyramid inverted heart piggybank Thomas Bayrle messing vergoldet 1988 Sparschwein pyramid inverted heart piggybank n20090703-n20051102_144832.jpg piggy bank porcellain allemagne deutschland germany norway coin accumulation and storage receptacle - penny money box piggy bank porcellain allemagne deutschland germany norway coin accumulation and storage receptacle - penny money box n20090703-n20051102_144849.jpg chipmunk singapore nut collector austria autriche drummer piggy bank ceramic porcelain figurines chipmunk singapore nut collector austria autriche drummer piggy bank ceramic porcelain figurines n20090703-n20051102_145007.jpg National mechanic calcultateur 1950 to 1965 typewriter adding machine National mechanic calcultateur 1950 to 1965 typewriter adding machine n20090703-n20051102_145037.jpg modell 4 AEG berlin werk erfurt mignon Schreibmaschine made from 1924 rare pointer System modell 4 AEG berlin werk erfurt mignon Schreibmaschine made from 1924 rare pointer System n20090703-n20051102_145043.jpg goeteborg original odhner 1920s Pin-wheel calculator Arithmometers ealier Brunsviga later facit goeteborg original odhner 1920s Pin-wheel calculator Arithmometers ealier Brunsviga later facit n20090703-n20051102_145049.jpg 10 Oliver 10 typewriter 1930s with french keys droite chif gauche maj antike schreibmaschine originally Chicago, Illinois then England Germany 10 Oliver 10 typewriter 1930s with french keys droite chif gauche maj antike schreibmaschine originally Chicago, Illinois then England Germany n20090703-n20051102_145115.jpg standard telephonique tableau 25 directions constructeur L Hamm 1932 vintage telephone exchange standard telephonique tableau 25 directions constructeur L Hamm 1932 vintage telephone exchange n20090703-n20051102_145229.jpg nous guillaume iii pays bas orange nassau establishes bank in luxembourg nous guillaume iii pays bas orange nassau establishes bank in luxembourg n20090703-n20051102_145437.jpg Grossherzoglich luxemburgischer staat kassenschein tausend franken 1939 france antique banknote Grossherzoglich luxemburgischer staat kassenschein tausend franken 1939 france antique banknote n20090703-n20051102_145551.jpg aix francs Luxembourgisg franc aix francs Luxembourgisg franc n20090703-n20051102_145557.jpg Lux National Bank issued fuenf thaler notes 1873 until 1882 -- zehn mark denominated in german currency thanks to relative gold standard =81 pfennigs Lux National Bank issued fuenf thaler notes 1873 until 1882 -- zehn mark denominated in german currency thanks to relative gold standard =81 pfennigs n20090703-n20051102_145705.jpg Pont adolphe historical photo after 1903 -- in 2011 luxtram project will redesign bridge Pont adolphe historical photo after 1903 -- in 2011 luxtram project will redesign bridge n20090703-n20051102_145730.jpg eight pointed star ornament glass ceiling in BCCE money museum Tel: 4015 5903 Musee de la Banque place de Metz 2954 Luxembourg eight pointed star ornament glass ceiling in BCCE money museum Tel: 4015 5903 Musee de la Banque place de Metz 2954 Luxembourg n20090703-n20051102_150758.jpg pedestrian zone foot traffic scene - 2009 fashion style is awful lazy unsophisticated slob slattern sloven trollops pedestrian zone foot traffic scene - 2009 fashion style is awful lazy unsophisticated slob slattern sloven trollops n20090703-n20051102_151721.jpg lush cosmetics frans faits main sea shepherd paul watson soap shop lush cosmetics frans faits main sea shepherd paul watson soap shop n20090703-n20051102_152508.jpg la megere appriviosee jacques audiberti William Shakespeare walnut prickly crack vagina symbol theatre ouvert la megere appriviosee jacques audiberti William Shakespeare walnut prickly crack vagina symbol theatre ouvert n20090703-n20051102_152518.jpg Kalr Valentin cabaret spectacle guy robert jeanny kratochwil akakpo accordeon eugene bozetti open theater state people funded Kalr Valentin cabaret spectacle guy robert jeanny kratochwil akakpo accordeon eugene bozetti open theater state people funded n20090703-n20051102_152726.jpg Benedicte Weis created her artwork 'spilleit' in 1987 - show-people memorial schausteller denkmal Benedicte Weis created her artwork 'spilleit' in 1987 - show-people memorial schausteller denkmal n20090703-n20051102_152751.jpg Grossplastik Gaukler am Place du Theatre juggler letzebuerg sculpture Skulpturen Bronze Gusseisen Grossplastik Gaukler am Place du Theatre juggler letzebuerg sculpture Skulpturen Bronze Gusseisen n20090703-n20051102_152804.jpg fire eater in heavy metal sculpture - bronzeplastik skluptur feuerspucker figur - bronce gestalt fire eater in heavy metal sculpture - bronzeplastik skluptur feuerspucker figur - bronce gestalt n20090703-n20051102_153257.jpg BMW C1 motorroller ccooter motorbike NetZetera internet services NZ is New Zealand BMW C1 motorroller ccooter motorbike NetZetera internet services NZ is New Zealand n20090703-n20051102_153333.jpg t-shirt design emotions relaxed excited amused eased nerved annoyed tranquilized lighthearted fevered t-shirt design emotions relaxed excited amused eased nerved annoyed tranquilized lighthearted fevered n20090703-n20051102_153759-enh.jpg traditional souveniers salt shakers asktrays candle holder porcelain figurines trinkets - andenken aschenbecher salzstreuer traditional souveniers salt shakers asktrays candle holder porcelain figurines trinkets - andenken aschenbecher salzstreuer n20090703-n20051102_153807-enh.jpg Geschenkartikel Reisemitbringsel Reiseandenken bibelot spoons loeffel golden cup heart-shaped mugs tassen Geschenkartikel Reisemitbringsel Reiseandenken bibelot spoons loeffel golden cup heart-shaped mugs tassen n20090703-n20051102_153823-enh.jpg souvenirs cigars maori-design zippo lighter cheap tax cigarettes angels dogs piglets shop window display souvenirs cigars maori-design zippo lighter cheap tax cigarettes angels dogs piglets shop window display n20090703-n20051102_154011.jpg narrow old-town alley architecture large doorway arch - sandstein torbogen architektur moderne schmale gasse narrow old-town alley architecture large doorway arch - sandstein torbogen architektur moderne schmale gasse n20090703-n20051102_154216.jpg scatterbrain collage of styles - engraved vulgar erotic grafitti not quite removed scatterbrain collage of styles - engraved vulgar erotic grafitti not quite removed n20090703-n20051102_154338.jpg rue du palais de justice cisco wifi wireles wlan hotspot antenna - thai celadon restaurant rue du Nord rue du palais de justice cisco wifi wireles wlan hotspot antenna - thai celadon restaurant rue du Nord n20090703-n20051102_154654.jpg classic european town houses blue summer sky classic european town houses blue summer sky n20090703-n20051102_170213.jpg art noveau art deco jugendstil house facade baulesch joailliers maitres bijoutiers welter optiker horlogerie orfevrerie - 10 rue du Cure L-1368 Luxembourg art noveau art deco jugendstil house facade baulesch joailliers maitres bijoutiers welter optiker horlogerie orfevrerie - 10 rue du Cure L-1368 Luxembourg n20090703-n20051102_174113.jpg article about italian ne-fascists that are in government by way of mass deception corporate propaganda media war brainwashing article about italian ne-fascists that are in government by way of mass deception corporate propaganda media war brainwashing n20090703-n20051102_174622.jpg brass band summer city concert in band rotunda Fanfare Stroossen kraus cario brass band summer city concert in band rotunda Fanfare Stroossen kraus cario n20090703-n20051102_174834.jpg Aldebaran ichiban sushi diekirch cafe croissant steack de boef boullelles sauce tomate lasagne cordon bleu Aldebaran ichiban sushi diekirch cafe croissant steack de boef boullelles sauce tomate lasagne cordon bleu n20090703-n20051102_174910.jpg Liquidation totale classics - happy Luxembourgoise luxemburgers enjoying beers in street cafe - luxembourgian joi de vivre Liquidation totale classics - happy Luxembourgoise luxemburgers enjoying beers in street cafe - luxembourgian joi de vivre n20090703-n20051102_175535.jpg Crazy fat blue woman statue at bus terminal mudam monument Drole de dame luxembourgish Crazy fat blue woman statue at bus terminal mudam monument Drole de dame luxembourgish n20090703-n20051102_194145.jpg grand choir rehearsing Beethoven - Ode to Joy - also wagner's music is better than it sounds grand choir rehearsing Beethoven - Ode to Joy - also wagner's music is better than it sounds n20090703-n20051102_195714.jpg Symphony orchestra not the philharmonie but Conservatoire de Luxembourg 1906 Campus Geesseknappchen Merl quarter Hollerich Symphony orchestra not the philharmonie but Conservatoire de Luxembourg 1906 Campus Geesseknappchen Merl quarter Hollerich CLICK ON A PICTURE TO VIEW IT BIG !!! All images are copyrighted. See MAIN INDEX PAGE for details All images are copyrighted. See MAIN INDEX PAGE for details. Luxembourg 2 b CLICK ON A PICTURE TO VIEW IT BIG !!! n20090703-n20051102_103615.jpg ww2 eternal flame for murderers and killers in unjust invasions and massacres on canon hill ww2 eternal flame for murderers and killers in unjust invasions and massacres on canon hill n20090703-n20051102_103746.jpg Inspector general de police luxembourgoise - past wreath laying ceremony for death by injustice Inspector general de police luxembourgoise - past wreath laying ceremony for death by injustice n20090703-n20051102_103756.jpg for 'heroes' accomplices in killing, hate and stupidity - morts pour la patrif 1940 1945 for 'heroes' accomplices in killing, hate and stupidity - morts pour la patrif 1940 1945 n20090703-n20051102_104951.jpg placebo head shop marijuana growroom hydroponics wasserpfeife shillum hooka drogen local drug politics placebo head shop marijuana growroom hydroponics wasserpfeife shillum hooka drogen local drug politics n20090703-n20051102_105012.jpg psychodelic dream illusion eye sore growshop no war grolux lamps hashish cultivation psychodelic dream illusion eye sore growshop no war grolux lamps hashish cultivation n20090703-n20051102_105021.jpg visa mastercard maestro ec bancomat legalize it cannabis god is busy can I help you? tip tube visa mastercard maestro ec bancomat legalize it cannabis god is busy can I help you? tip tube n20090703-n20051102_105414.jpg junk food bowel cancer dispensary - overweight girls in Quick Hamburger Restaurant junk food bowel cancer dispensary - overweight girls in Quick Hamburger Restaurant n20090703-n20051102_105536.jpg Cocal Cola sugar water empire and Luxemborg main train station - hauptbahnhof luxemburg Cocal Cola sugar water empire and Luxemborg main train station - hauptbahnhof luxemburg n20090703-n20051102_105717.jpg old steel and rivets rail overpass to rotunda bombardier powered double decker carriage old steel and rivets rail overpass to rotunda bombardier powered double decker carriage n20090703-n20051102_110541-enhanced.jpg clear acrylic toilet seat with embedded barbed wire - stachedraht klobrille clear acrylic toilet seat with embedded barbed wire - stachedraht klobrille n20090703-n20051102_112144.jpg Rue Bender - commander of the Fortress 1713-1798 - inhumane impersonal ugly glass steel tower Rue Bender - commander of the Fortress 1713-1798 - inhumane impersonal ugly glass steel tower n20090703-n20051102_112415.jpg bronce plastic of sexy musicians with violin and big horn bronce plastic of sexy musicians with violin and big horn n20090703-n20051102_112434-enhanced.jpg manhole P T poste and Telecom Luxembourg iron duct cover pam d4004n 1z4 manhole P T poste and Telecom Luxembourg iron duct cover pam d4004n 1z4 n20090703-n20051102_113209.jpg back stone mason pavement worker from africa in Place du St Esprit government offices back stone mason pavement worker from africa in Place du St Esprit government offices n20090703-n20051102_113406.jpg golden angel statuette under car park Parkhaus Saint-Esprit lift to grund - aufzug golden angel statuette under car park Parkhaus Saint-Esprit lift to grund - aufzug n20090703-n20051102_113442.jpg Sadako Sasaki born 7 January 1943 died 25 october 1955 Misasa Bridge resident Chizuko Hamamoto origami Sadako Sasaki born 7 January 1943 died 25 october 1955 Misasa Bridge resident Chizuko Hamamoto origami n20090703-n20051102_113457.jpg USA nuclear WMD victim at Hiroshima Sasaki Sadako purple spots on her legs leukemia atom bomb disease USA nuclear WMD victim at Hiroshima Sasaki Sadako purple spots on her legs leukemia atom bomb disease n20090703-n20051102_113518.jpg Art a l'ecole Atelier Mondercange Schueberfouer kermis kirmis fun fair - school art Art a l'ecole Atelier Mondercange Schueberfouer kermis kirmis fun fair - school art n20090703-n20051102_113728.jpg Ville basse Alzette river - romantic tudor houses historic village at bottom of town Ville basse Alzette river - romantic tudor houses historic village at bottom of town n20090703-n20051102_113736.jpg bruecke bridge rue Munster corniche citadel - malerische militaerromantik bruecke bridge rue Munster corniche citadel - malerische militaerromantik n20090703-n20051102_113742.jpg ville basse Luxembourg alzett alzig elze - muendet in die Sauer dann Mosel dann Rhein ville basse Luxembourg alzett alzig elze - muendet in die Sauer dann Mosel dann Rhein n20090703-n20051102_115221.jpg de mensch virum profit kpl d kommunisten list 1 green party communist party stickers on riverbridge de mensch virum profit kpl d kommunisten list 1 green party communist party stickers on riverbridge n20090703-n20051102_115542.jpg glass roof over atrium of abbey neumuenster - dry well lit courtyard - triangular panes glass roof over atrium of abbey neumuenster - dry well lit courtyard - triangular panes n20090703-n20051102_115816.jpg bizarre visual composition salle robert krieps l'Abbaye Neumunster Luxembourg-Grund bizarre visual composition salle robert krieps l'Abbaye Neumunster Luxembourg-Grund n20090703-n20051102_120149.jpg ascent to Rahm plateau on long staircase - descent to abbey Neumuenster ascent to Rahm plateau on long staircase - descent to abbey Neumuenster n20090703-n20051102_120515-enh.jpg life at 1450 chess players jouers d echecs gobelet pichet picher krug maultrommel guimbarde water flute soldier eating soup life at 1450 chess players jouers d echecs gobelet pichet picher krug maultrommel guimbarde water flute soldier eating soup n20090703-n20051102_120552-enh.jpg les batisseurs 15th century construction compas zirkel kroeneln scharriereisen degrossie piolet stonemason steinmetz les batisseurs 15th century construction compas zirkel kroeneln scharriereisen degrossie piolet stonemason steinmetz n20090703-n20051102_121314.jpg Old fortification wall and 4 story monastery building dwarfed - dimensions to contemplate - forced labour and medieval age slavery Old fortification wall and 4 story monastery building dwarfed - dimensions to contemplate - forced labour and medieval age slavery n20090703-n20051102_121509.jpg concrete construction - bound to become an hideous building garnison garrison Wenzel fortification concrete construction - bound to become an hideous building garnison garrison Wenzel fortification n20090703-n20051102_121512.jpg stahlbeton bauweise Murniereisen stahlgitter Moniereisen Armierungseisen Wayss Freytag Betonstahl stahlbeton bauweise Murniereisen stahlgitter Moniereisen Armierungseisen Wayss Freytag Betonstahl n20090703-n20051102_121641.jpg rahm plateau facades stabilized with wood frames Vauban army barracks Kaernen Altersheim rahm plateau facades stabilized with wood frames Vauban army barracks Kaernen Altersheim n20090703-n20051102_121733.jpg red blood vessels plastic octopus flexible cable ducts emanating from grey concrete wall red blood vessels plastic octopus flexible cable ducts emanating from grey concrete wall n20090703-n20051102_122541.jpg Edelschnaps alcohol distille margot guillon Distillerie Pit Dolizy Mittellauf - exact howto distil in german Edelschnaps alcohol distille margot guillon Distillerie Pit Dolizy Mittellauf - exact howto distil in german n20090703-n20051102_122613.jpg Schnapsbrennerei gaston puppet with eau de vie - whiskey fruit brandy traditional glass and dress Schnapsbrennerei gaston puppet with eau de vie - whiskey fruit brandy traditional glass and dress n20090703-n20051102_123353.jpg Eisenbahnbruecke Pont chemin de fer from luxemburger sandstein Le Gres Eisenbahnbruecke Pont chemin de fer from luxemburger sandstein Le Gres n20090703-n20051102_123523.jpg l ecluse du grund grundschleuse 1731 under austrian rule dam could flood valley petrustal l ecluse du grund grundschleuse 1731 under austrian rule dam could flood valley petrustal n20090703-n20051102_123705.jpg Alzettaue fond de vallee alzette alcedo atthis gallinula chloropus teichhuhn Alzettaue fond de vallee alzette alcedo atthis gallinula chloropus teichhuhn n20090703-n20051102_123901.jpg Baby banana feeding time - zitadelle citadel of Luxembourg Gibraltar of the North Baby banana feeding time - zitadelle citadel of Luxembourg Gibraltar of the North n20090703-n20051102_124028.jpg main trunk multicore telephone cable pairs kabel belden labour communication backbone main trunk multicore telephone cable pairs kabel belden labour communication backbone n20090703-n20051102_124127.jpg demenagements comete furniture lift street window access extendible motorized hebebuehne demenagements comete furniture lift street window access extendible motorized hebebuehne n20090703-n20051102_124229.jpg Grund Tilleschgasse Tilleschgaass with tourist sightseeing road train touristenzug rue st ulric Grund Tilleschgasse Tilleschgaass with tourist sightseeing road train touristenzug rue st ulric n20090703-n20051102_134004.jpg monument national solidarity grand duc 10 oct 1971 combat victims glory patriot memorial monument national solidarity grand duc 10 oct 1971 combat victims glory patriot memorial n20090703-n20051102_143011.jpg ww1 statues war dead remembrance Place de la Constitution atop Petrusse casemates ww1 statues war dead remembrance Place de la Constitution atop Petrusse casemates n20090703-n20051102_143016.jpg Gella Fra (Golden Lady) stone obelisk erected 1923 destroyed 1940 by Nazi 1958 restored Gella Fra (Golden Lady) stone obelisk erected 1923 destroyed 1940 by Nazi 1958 restored n20090703-n20051102_143340.jpg neudorf charlys statioun airport bus on Pont Adolphe neudorf charlys statioun airport bus on Pont Adolphe CLICK ON A PICTURE TO VIEW IT BIG !!! All images are copyrighted. See MAIN INDEX PAGE for details. .

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