iPad Iphone App -The Astronomical Pocket Diary
The Astronomical Pocket Diary
by y23
The Astronomical Pocket Diary (APD)
This cool agenda predicts the future: planet constellations (in "Planimation") and spacy events for the years 2010 and 2011!
*** Features ***
Available since 1989 and cherished all over the world, the APD has been known to be used by stock brokers, managers, science teachers, sailors, gardeners, amateur astronomer stargazers etc. .. generally anyone who can benefit from having "facts about the future". It has even been described as a "Prophets Handbook"!
*** Usage ***
The APD-app is dead simple. Sweep your finger over the screen and the calendar is animated! Watch the planets move in a flip-book animation. Sweep left or right to go backwards or forwards through the years. Sweep multiple times to increase the speed until the months whizz by in seconds. Tap once on the screen to stop, tapping on the left or right screen boundary will back-up or advance the calendar by a single day. Sweeping 'up' will jump to 'today'. Sweep 'down' to see the 'about-screen'.
The solar system graph depicts our solar system seen from 'above' with the Sun at the centre. The interconnected lines form the true planetary aspects as you can see them in the night sky. The daily Moon-phase (illumination), Moon distance and Moon declination is a 'biorhythm' that actually exists. Exact times of astronomical phenomena are given in GMT.
National and international holidays, anniversaries, VIP birthdays and important events in history connects our societies and make a great general knowledge quiz.
*** Relevance ***
It is fascinating to watch the planetary movements and ponder what influence they have. For example the stock market crash (Black Monday) of 1987 happened exactly on Jupiter opposition, which will happen again on 21. September 2010 and 29. October 2011. Of course if you don´t believe in this psychology you'll enjoy the all-night visibility of that bright planet which the greeks call Zeus. The 'orbitgraph' gives a quick reference of the changing of evening and morning stars and the 13 (!) signs of the zodiac, where all 5 naked-eye-visible planets can be found.
The world is ever more aware about the environment, energy and incidences that shape us. This diary helps to stay in touch with our planet and provides inspiration and awareness. Plan your celebrations with a wealth of information about the future!
- 1,59 €
- Kategorie: Referenz Category Reference
- First published on the anniversary of the first (pretend) Moonlanding Erschienen: 21.07.2010
- Version: 1.0
- 1.0 (Getestet unter iOS 4.0)
- 6.5 MB
- Language Sprache: Englisch
- Developer Entwickler: Norbert Haley
- © HALEY 1989
The PAPER EDITION looks like this:
An almanac with exact times of celestial & earthly events for the year - for the naked eye observer of the heavens and the enlightened who likes certain prognoses.
THE ASTRONOMICAL POCKET DIARY, (Norbert Haley, Poste Restante, Auckland,

Product Description
The APD is a year-book, in a handy to use (passport-sized) pocket diary format, extremely strongly bound and with reusable plastic cover to make it withstand a year in your trouser-pocket.
It is published in special editions, custom-calculated for your location, currently in english, german, french, italian, spanish and greek editions. Published since 1989 it boasts a few dozen real fans around the world, who appreciate the value of the data, the concise presentation and the free-thinking-attitude of this unique publication.
The APD has been known to be used by stock brokers, managers, science teachers, sailors, gardeners, stargazers etc. .. generally anyone who can benefit from having "facts about the future". It has even been described as a "Prophets Handbook"! The APD is also used as a schoolbook in evening astronomy classes, a low-cost alternative and complement to bigger astronomy books.
Even some esoterically misguided people use it to enhance their understanding of astrology. Some outright astrologers use it to supplement their charts and income. For them it is easy to say that Venus is in Scorpio, but to see whether she is in front or behind the Sun when she is in Scorpio, this is new ... and allows for more costly blather.
Some people take it with them everywhere ... and use it to point out the features of the night-sky, Sun and tides. Its a real out-doors companion, too.
Order your copy for the next year as soon as possible. Even if you manage to see just a single heavenly phenomenon its worth more than a hollywood movie and a bad Bud. Familiarise yourself a little bit with the heavens, its the stuff which made humankind wonder enough to develop philosophy. And who can live without a certain philosophy these days?

Timothy Zarazan, Illinois: (oct95) "Looking forward to receiving your remarkable astronomical tool !"Nature Discovery's Dianne Middleton, New Zealand: (May96) "... of excellent quality"
G. Pereth, England:(Jun96) "I'm enjoying using your almanach & would like some more information regarding where to obtain next year's copy, in this country."
T. Ross, San Francisco: (Jul96) "But I would hate to miss my 1997 edition!"
Tom Robinson, San Luis Obispo, California (26dec96) "I am most impressed with it. I have been running around waving it at family and friends ever since. I find it packed with useful & interesting information and refer to it often."
February 1997 edition of Swiss Amateur Astronomer Magazine "Orion" (review, page24):
Vaughn, Kalamazoo Community College (astronomy teacher): I begin each class by projecting the current weeks pages from your Star Diary on an overhead. I blow them up by a factor of 2.56 so each page fits almost exactly on an 8.5 x 11. Then I go over what is happening in the sky each day. I interpret the daily Moon parameters and the weekly Sun and planet parameters for them. We also run through the key dates. Often they understand some of your references to people and events that I don't, at least those having to do with popular culture. It makes a nice, friendly way to start the class; reduces stress, etc. After that its all push and enterprise. I make assignments involving the use of the Star Diary that I give them for homework. So far these have involved the motion of the Sun and the Moon. I also use it when I cover seasons.
I think the Star Diary is a very valuable tool and I intend to stick with it indefinitely.
Mike Steinsnyder, California (26aug97) "Seems like a great idea your Pocket Diary, may just get me keep records..." -- Reviews

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