Ten kilometres above Siberia
Watching "Lufthansa's up-to-the-minute" news of last Friday which has obviously not been updated. Anyway, nice to see Euronews on Italy celebrations of the riddance of a billionaire bunga ape ruler, protests on waikiki beach against APEC corporate undemocratic deals and china bashing, and repugnicans torture and war promises -- and french black nazi ninja swat-team breaking into the flat and destorying the door of an old woman TWICE. Since there were no door-repair builders available on the weekend, the froggy cops had to post a guard. The police apologized unreservedly and will pay for the door and wall and they have caught the actual criminal they were hunting, so they say there won't be a third time.
The japanese food was ok, but it started me farting. Like the huge petroleum flares of oil and gas drilling in Russia below.
I watched Anthony Hopkins playing Odin in THOR. A violent hollywood crap for children and single brain cell USA valley girl types. The other movies were (also) unwatchable corporate projects for dumbing down and propagandize the population. Bad teacher beginners cars 2 friends with benefits larry crowne monte carlo mr popper's penguins the truman show zookeeper, so help us god.
The audio books were business oratory and confidence trainig designed to help yuppies to ram more useless industry products and evil consumerism down our throats. The Music selections was "the worst of pop", lady gaga concert ...oh my fking god.
Bjoerk, glastonbury highlight, chinese soppy pop unlistenable. The arab-pop channel had a great song by farah, and the Tamil selection was great. Some irish-line-dancing melodies from tamilistan, selai kettiya and thikki thikki witg nagaram marupakkam, excellent grooves and a humourous visual story of work nd affection, money and dreams.
Step step with kaavalan lively dance, again with considerably stinky grooves.
Superb kitsch "Ootthu Thani Aatthoda" Magizhchi with irish tin whistle sexy dripping cheekiness, lovely, charming.
"En Nenju..." Uthama Puthiran filmed in Venice for boy and girl romance. 100 times more interesting studio musicianship than western pop, some really great sound mixes and inventive instrumentation in "Poove Poove" by Siddhu +2. Issai Payanam.
Tokyo Narita 15 November 2011, 11h58 local time. When I arrived a japanese airport uniform girl was calling "New Zealand" and I got a bit curious and went closer, and there was my name on a big piece of paper on the walL, together with another hippy-ish looking guy. We two unkempt western state-psycho- terror victims feared the worst, but it was just the airline worried that we don't loose our bags. Apparently they just wanted to make sure that our luggage was alright, but were very surprised to hear that I travel with just handluggage. She asked again, "no suitcase?" and laughed irritated. At the "connecting flight" x-ray check the girl there asked twice "no laptop?" ... How anyone could be without a laptop was strange to her.
The romanian fellow traveller to NZ invited me for a beer in the smoking room of a bar, he paid 22 us dollars for two large beers, wow. Now we are killing time together, 5 hours to go.
9h30 am german time 18h30 tokio time 21 30 nzdt -- now aboard nz90 boeing 777-200er under Captain Scott.
11 hours flight, shiraz/syrah moslem meal sleep 6 hours, 100 movies, watched rise of planet apes 2011 film, total US-american crap, listened to "short history of time" audiobook on wave particle duality and played (and lost) chess against kasparov software. Sunrise above the south pacific and I see land... Hmm, funny, harbour entrance doesn't look right, switch on the flight-information display map and WOW -- we are over Westport and the Buller River, landing in Christchurch. My Romanian passport-leper already fears the worst by immigration, being refused and sent back, as happened to a friend of his. The undemocratic border fascists refused a friend of his, because they googled him and found an old newpapaer article with his drug arrest story , long since dealt with. At least New Zealand allows visa-free romanians.
Not long ago he had a visa for czech republic, but the local fascist police simple crossed it out and evicted him.
So now I decided to accompamy him through immigration, to see how a romanian passport-leper is being treated in my godzone homeland .
We were immediately checked and checked again, and again, and "it will be a long time if you want to wait for your friend", ho hum. New Zealand's border security is probably second to none, and, of course a real pain in the proverbial.
So then i got searched as well, funny me, great idea.
In the end, after mental torture and humiliation the border state agents let him in.
18 november 2011
I took the harbour ferry, a lovely trip, and the new busses, with the all-day ticket "discovery pass" for 15 dollars.
Tomorrow is the grey lynn park festival which the people really love, but the auckland city council would rather cancel, because it is forced to support big corrupt business, whereas GLPF is for small business and amnesty intl, Greenpeace and other pinko homo commies.
19 nov
The festival wa perfect, it was phantastic, great bands like che fu and superb shopping info and politics. A free entry festival with the best of the relaxed ponsonby-gery-lynn alternative culture.
Photos see http://www-2.net

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