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Ausgehen ist das neue einloggen
Going out is the new logging-in.
2011 is ein grossartiges Jahr, politisch gesehn. Die Menschen wachen auf. So oder so, die Erde wird rot.
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2011 is a fabulous year politically. People are waking up and the standard phrases of the ruling elites sound extra meaningless and hollow. The CIA and the empire is dumbfounded, I guess even their own agents have a hunch that they are doing the devil's work, whatever they touch. Economic Hitmen, the lot.
Fear - to loose one's job, for example - is still a powerful driver. Fear often leads to mayhem. The Unconditional Basic Income is needed now.
This morning i walked through town and enjoyed the many good smells, Amazing for Germany. More (brand new) cars, less airpollution.
Nepal has a new people's-government, Thailand has a red-shirt prime minister-woman, not to speak of Egypt and Tunesia! The CiA has limited power, we people *can* change the policies.
The revolution will not be televized.
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