Monday, October 3, 2011

Spa resort Kur

30 sept 2011

Today I went to the Springmuseum inside the "Wandelhalle" and took photos of a collection of exceptionally large bladder stones and kidney stones, including the gruesome instruments they used for extraction.


Sunday 2 october 2011
Days blur into another, food, sleep, relaxation, food...

7:30 to 9 German breakfast is without fried things. A hardboiled egg on some days.

11:30 German Lunch is lavish, salad bar, soup, a full meal or two, desert.

17:30 Abendbrot "Evening Bread" is, as the name says, bread, cheeses, luncheon meat.

The other two old men on my table are strictly against privatisation and the resulting fraud and cartels. Between the three of us we find examples of fraudulent management abound. A minor catastrophe is that german trains are not as good as those in Japan. Well, I tell them thar I am very happy, New Zealand's trains are atrocious, comparatively.

3 oct 2011
Today is holy germany holiday, thank goodness I can't see any german flags and displays of nationalism. Breakfast included quark-with-jam rolls, and muesli with "frischkornbrei" (fresh grain mash). A nice old lady told me the name of this speciality when she saw me being curious about the bowl with the stuff that looks like course sesame paste.
Political discussion on our table were fruitful, I learned about a New Zealand ww2 general in Monte Casino, Italy, who behaved like a barbar, and about firemen rescueing civilians in USA/UK firestorm bombings of german cities. Mr Hegner is a fire-fighter from Halle, former GDR, prostate amputee. He has a lot of interesting facts from the cold war era in East Germany's militarist state.
We always concur that history repeats itself, thanks to militarist US, in Lybia, Iraq, Afghanistan. The current wars that the perpetraors would be hanged for under the Nuremberg principles, laid down by USA justice Jackson.

PR = Progressive Relaxation (see photo)
I went to my first "Anwendung" (Application), a lecture about PR, a type of yoga. The chief yogi-woman speaks hypnotically. "concentrate on your right arm"... "breathe"

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