Monday, January 3, 2011

Island Winter Storm

After a 5 day rain deluge that ended on 19th december we had a wonderful week (with a total lunar eclipse on tuesday evening) and christmas eve.
Christmas day was grey-in-grey but boxing day was fabulous. We went to the beach snorkeling and harvesting mussels for tea (supper). Beautifuk sunset, the solar disc sank beneath the horizon perfectly, but without the "green flash".

28 Dec 2010
A winter storm is in progress as we wake up, and gales from the northwest shake the house a bit. The wind was fierce and warm, how unusual!
Queensland Australia is an under water catastrophe and our South Island also had a river 11 meters above normal and a kilometre wide!!
At 1pm the rain started here, and only stopped at sunset. The sky was eerily purple. And finally the wind died down.
During the rain I started to programme an astronomical A4 wall calendar ... it will be an online service for self-printout, a jpg upload and pdf doenload.

Grey-in-grey morning, high-cloud. Time to do some reading. Like the National Geographic (May 2000) about Vikings, who were called RUS by the Slavs and Fins, after the finnic term for Swedes, Ruotsi. The Rus founded the first russian state in Kiev. Then in 988 a Kievan Rus prince, Vladimir, converted to byzantine eastern orthodoxy and thus created east and west. There you have it. The Ukraine is the true Russia, which is Viking.
Leif Eriksson also landed in Canada/usA around the year 1000 and had a military base at L'Anse aux Meadows on Newfoundland.

I walked one hour through the most beautiful bush to the shop to get a bottle of sparkling for midnight celebration of the new year. The shopowner had a computer problem which I was able to solve, and got the bottle for free.
Outside the shop a group of giggling girls had congregated and we joked about drinking the champenoise. At some stage a girl said to another "Mine is a little wobbly on the end" to which I volunteered "Mine, too". Haha, sleezy.

Another sunny day. Today i will bring wireless internet to the crew here.
Maybe you see more frequent blog postings here, from tomorrow onwards.
Sunset photos? Coming up!

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