Sunday, December 18, 2011

Neuseeland Gruesse

Hallo von einem Regentag in der Suedsee.

Seit Tagen regnet es schon und alles ist nass. Ab und zu ein einzelner sonniger Tag, der zeigt, wie es sein koennte, stattdessen Regen und Niesel.
Im dauer-sonnigen Tasman-district, also noerdlichste Suedinsel, Golden Bay, Nelson usw herrschen Schlammlawinen.
Die einzigen Verbindungstrassen sind zu, Helicopter bringen das Wichtigste.

Das Containerschiff ist natuerlich immer noch auf der Astrolabe-Riff. Die Nachrichten hier informieren uns -- solange es nicht um demokratisch wichtige Entscgeidungen geht -- "heute ist wieder ein container vom Schiff ins Meer gefallen. Er enthielt chinesische Aluminium-stuehle und sank auf den Meeresboden".

Am 26 November wurde unsere heuschrecken-hoerige Regierung wiedergewaelt. Vor der Wahl wurde wir aus allen Rohren der Heuschrecken-eigenen-Presse propagandisierr mit:
"werden haushoch gewinnen" "absolute Mehrheit" usw, Aber nach der endgueltigen Auszaehlung fehlten denen 2 Sitze, Koalieren mit rechtgerichtetem Vulgaer-liberalem und einem Lobbyisten der Alkoholindustrie brachte 61 von 121 Parlamentssitzen. Die zwei Einzel-partei Pappnasen wurden direkt gewaehlt in ihrem jeweiligen Wahlkreis, ansonsten waehlte diese zwei Rand-parteien keiner im Land
Jetzt wollen die drei Jahre regieren (unsere Parlaments-periode) und angekuendigterweise unser Tafelsilber mit ihren Banker-Notar-Freunden in "oeffentliches Eigentum ueberfuehren", also "jeder Kiwi soll die moeglichkeit haben, Mitbesitzer zu sein."
Die Eliten und ihre Medien nennen das stoz "public company". Natuerlich kaufen sur die Super-reichen, und in ein paar Jahren ist das Meisste in Londom, Basel, NY, FFaM, Bahamas, Virgin Islands etc.
"wir haben ein Mandat" luegen Sie dem Volk ins Gesicht. Ca 60 prozent der "registrierten" Waehler waehletn ueberhaupt, und viele arme Leute hier sind nicht registriert, aber stimmberechtigt. Also sagen wir grosszuegig die super-knapp gewaehlte Regierung hat ein Mandat von 25 Prozent. Der Premier-minister John Key war frueher ein Wechselkurs-spekulant in der "London City" die von vielen Regulierungen speziell befreite Sonderzone in London. Er spekulierte auch gegen den Neuseeland-dollar.
Grundstueckspreise sind astronomisch hier. Wer vor 20 Jahren ein Grunstueck gekauft haette, haeete sein Geld mindestens! vervierfacht. Die Banken bewerten Grundstuecke hoch, damit die private Geld-vervielfachung halbwegs "gedeckt" ist.
Natuerlich klaffr hier eine riesen Scheere zwischem arm und reich und es wird schlimmer jedes Jahr. Es wird jetzt eine Regierungs-Armuts-kommission eingesetzt, dank der Maori-Partei.

Uebrigens heissen die privaten Edelschulen wie Eaton natuerlich "public schools". Marxens klassenkampf ist noch im Gange, und die Superreichen gewinnen. Und die Sprache und Worte sind ein Schlachtfeld. Man sollte sich bemuehen informative Adjektive zu benutzen, wie "gekaufte Regierung"
"heuschrecken" "gemeinwohl". ist Pflichtlektuere.

Wusstet ihr schon, das es den Weihnachtmann, in Rot und korpulent, erst so richtig seit den 1930ern durch CocaCola gibt. Googelt mal den Erfinder, ein schwedischer Grafik-designer namens Haddon Sundtbloom.
Davor gabs in Dtl nur das Christkind.

Am 19 November war ein wunderbares Volksfest in Auckland: das "Grey Lynn Park Festival 2011". Fotos davon habe ich schon online, demnaechst Regenfotos :-)

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A rrive island

2 dec 2011
On the boat was a jewish guy with a yarmulke, and i wondered if I should mention palestine out loud, while talking to two german wwoofers, but I decided to shut up; too cheeky. But the trickster GOD took up the idea and made the poor guy throw up over the side.
Andy gave me a lift, then shane, now i am sitting on a whaling lookout bench at Peter's.
Great arrival got perfect lift with quad-farmbike to the door.
I hear a big passenger jet overhead, IDEE: gr. Laufschrift "hello sg17 to Tokyo, please paypal-donate to xx@yy.zz for marine conservation education. Have a great flight"

3 dec 2011
I am voluntarily out of order. Also time-lapse filming a bush regrowth native tree valley for a few hours. Lazyness or relaxation.

5 dec
There was a six point something earthquake in wellington on saturday afternoon. It went "rumble rumble zig zag" and itt was over. One big sidewats jolt. A woman from Christchurch was present with my friend and she recognized the rumble sound, while my friend thought is was the xat on the tin roof.
Yesterday and today down here it is raining cats and dogs, just when the washing was hung up to dry. There was to thunder-rolls and one lighting. This warm northerly tropical weather is great, the big foggyness.

First time in a week I listened to the corporate embedded news from the only ationwide radio-network that this country has been allowed to keep by our vulgar capitalist owners, the public broadcaster but their newsteam is conforming to the corporate dogma and therfore it is better NOT to be infiltrated. Although they have some good programmes, like "media-watch" generally the elites managed to castrate it, especially the news, which is very whitewashed and USA-apologetic. The news-editors should listen US of Angst's own propaganda station, Voice of America, which is -- in a desparate effort to retain a smithen of credibility -- actually reporting on USA mass murder much more factually.
But no radio/TV news can match DEMOCRACYNOW:org -- currently the most informative actualities station (out of washington dc) -- DemNow actually has the guts to SOMETIMES report on the CIA-military-banker criminals and lift the secret-service curtain a bit.
Nobody should fool themselves. 90 per cent of all IMPORTANT seemingly democratic decisions are undermined and perverted by secret agencies and thei deceptionw and planting of false evidence, and their strangehold over "public opinion" - published opinion.

A fine day is beginning..

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

NZ child safety 'far behind Europe'

The lives of 81 children and adolescents could be saved every year by adopting three safety policies that are considered the best practice in many developed countries, a group of doctors and academics say.

The injury prevention experts - from Starship children's hospital, Auckland University and Auckland University of Technology - say a further 200 children would be spared a hospital admission of more than three days and long-term disability by the policies, which include compulsory use of booster seats until a child is aged around 12.

Dr Michael Shepherd, clinical director of the Starship's emergency department, told the Paediatric Society conference that applying a European scorecard to New Zealand's child safety policies showed up significant gaps.

A score of 60 was considered "ideal status for child and adolescent safety". New Zealand scored 33. European scores ranged from a high of 48.5 in Iceland to a low of 27 in Greece.

Zealand has the highest rate of child and adolescent deaths from injuries in the OECD.

For unintentional injuries New Zealand's death rate is 27 per cent higher than the European average and more than double the lowest European country rate.

Dr Shepherd said New Zealand was strong in many areas of infrastructure needed to ensure young people's safety, but lacked a lead agency and government minister with specific responsibility for child and adolescent safety. He reiterated the call of his Starship colleagues for immediate changes to extend the compulsory use of child restraints in vehicles to include booster seats until a child was 148cm tall.

This is typically around age 12. Children under 5 must be held in properly fitted restraints. Those aged 5 to 7 are required to be similarly protected only if suitable devices are already in vehicles, which means many children 5 and older can wear ill-fitting adult seatbelts. In a crash, that puts them at risk of severe head, neck and abdominal injuries.

The Starship says New Zealand is lagging behind the United States, Canada, Britain and Australia because of its lack of mandatory booster-seat requirements.

A Ministry of Transport spokeswoman said yesterday the Government's 2020 road safety strategy aimed to make use of booster seats the norm for children aged 5 to 10.

Educating caregivers on proper use of child car seats was a priority.

"The Government is also considering making booster seats mandatory for children older than 5 years as research suggests that adult seatbelts alone are not suitable for children less than 148cm tall."

The ministry expects to advise Transport Minister Steven Joyce on this within a month.

3 crucial policies

* Booster seats compulsory to about age 12.
* Lower speed limits around children's areas.
* Proper enforcement of swimming pool fencing law.

Should also be considered:

* Drivers assumed to be responsible for crashes with child pedestrians.
* Stronger pool fencing laws.
* Wearing of lifejackets compulsory on boats.
* Children restricted to back seat of vehicles until age 13.
* Children banned from driving all-terrain vehicles and tractors.

Source: Injury prevention experts.

0800 224 453 or (04) 4957805, or by email

DO IT  or be an inactivist.

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Festival Arrival - election disaster

Satursay 19 November 2011
At 911 we leave the house, the bus/ferry local transport plan according to was to be unbearable. A bus to the ferry however turned up at the perfect time. Pure magic.
The wind was perfect for a wetsuit-windsurfer who was preparing his board and gear at the ferry terminal. About 10 passenger jump over a gap onto the tigercat catamaran zmr 2981, the sun is out, brilliant.
Wow, I managed to get a free 5.70 dollar ferryride by showing yesterday's "all day" ticket and covering the day with my thumb. The next bus is ready, and again I get in without paying with the same trick. This makes up for the overpriced "discovery day" 15 nzd ticket.
All day the festival was totally amazing. For those who don't know the ponsonby/grey lynn summer park concert lifestyle, go and experience it.
People bring their sofas, man! The air smells of the finest heads and people drink beer and chilled wine in the sun, while watching an awesome groovy chilly lounge reaggae band, che fu, united pacific. GLPF has the finest artists, crafts, food and this time even political parties because the general election is next week.
I told the young guys at "The National Party" about the ILO, parental leave, the UN charta etc, and you know what this future politician wanker said? He said "yeah, but international agreements are not bimding"

Monday 28 november 2011
Well? I arrived properly by now.. Been invited for dinners and computer jobs
The elections were a fiasco for New Zealand. The vulgar-capitalist banker got re-elected.

One needs to prevent the damage that this corporate wet dream government is about ti do. For me there is either activism or inactivism.

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

2011 General Election Preliminary Results

John Key does NOT have a mandate to sell the poeple's property to his banker-lawyer co-conspirators.
He got 48% of 68% of enrolled people. There are another 10-20% who are of voting age, but not enrolled.
John Key got a "mandate" by ~25% voting-age New Zealanders
New Zealand Government parliament pre-election 2008

Sun Nov 27, 2011

WELLINGTON (Reuters) - New Zealand's re-elected center-right government claimed a mandate on Sunday to push on with up to $5 billion worth of asset sales and welfare reforms and said it would quickly get down to forming a new administration.

The National Party, led by former foreign exchange dealer John Key, scored 48 percent of the vote, increased its number of seats to 60 from 58 and gained the support of two small parties to guarantee a majority in the 121-seat parliament.

Results by location - ACT Labour Maori Mana Party United Future National counties elections results New Zealand outcome

MMP referendum - 54% voted to keep it

2011 General Election Preliminary Results 







National Party
Labour Party
Green Party
New Zealand First Party
Māori Party
ACT New Zealand
United Future
Conservative Party
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party
Democrats for Social Credit

Thats how the voting paper ballot paper looked like

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Thursday, November 24, 2011



NZ First populist elder politician winston peters and colleague with pram new Zealand future child - neuseeland politiker ohne begleitschutz

THEY LIVE !!!   Here visiting the Grey Lynn Park Festival. More GLPF photos:

They Live is a 1988 science fiction/horror film directed by John Carpenter, who also wrote the screenplay under the pseudonym Frank Armitage

The hero soon discovers that many people are actually aliens, who are human-looking except for skull-like faces. The aliens tend to be wealthy upper class members of society, as well as politicians. When the aliens realize he can see them for what they truly are, the police suddenly arrive.

Nada escapes and steals a police shotgun; while evading the police, he accidentally stumbles into a local bank filled with aliens. Realizing that the jig is up, he proclaims, "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass...and I'm all out of bubblegum." A shooting spree ensues and after killing many aliens, one of them disappears after twisting a dial on his wristwatch (that resembles a Rolex) before Nada can shoot him.

...a local TV station, Cable 54, and the source of the aliens' signal.

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Re: Phobos Grunt

The Phobos-Grunt spacecraft. Credits: Roscosmos.

European tracking stations have for the first time established contact with the Russian interplanetary station Phobos-Grunt, which has got stuck in a near-Earth orbit, the chief of the European Space Agency Moscow office, Rene Pichel, told the RIA-Novosti news agency.

Pichel said that one of their stations had established contact with Phobos-Grunt, but that it was only the very beginning of the process, no telemetry had been received yet, and that they were working in close contact with their Russian colleagues.

The European Space Operations Centre (Esoc) in Darmstadt reports that the contact was made at 2025 GMT on Tuesday. A spokesman confirmed that telemetry from Phobos-Grunt was received and that this data was passed straight to the Russians.

The mission is also notable because China's first Mars satellite, Yinghuo-1 ("luminous fire") , has been launched piggy-back on the main Russian spacecraft.

Die gestrandete Sonde scheint im derzeitigen Orbit ihre Lage aktiv zu regeln. Die Umlaufbahn vergrößert sich um einen Kilometer pro Tag und wird zudem kreisförmiger. Ein Absturztermin wurde für frühestens März berechnet.
The stranded probe seems to actively regulate its current orbit position. The orbit is increased by one kilometers per day and is also circular. A de-orbit date was calculated for March at the earliest.

"Flugbahnänderung der Phobos-Grunt nicht erklären"
Orbit modification cannot be explained
"verbluefft Astronomen"  Flabbergasts Astronomers

FORUM (google translated)

Thank you very much for the European Space Agency, and assist engineers in solving the problem of communication with FG! Flight to Mars fails, but it is possible to find out what happened.

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